Michael Qian

Weakly Supervised Part-Based Method for Combined Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery

Project Illustration


The project titled “Weakly Supervised Part-Based Method for Combined Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery” introduces a novel approach to object detection within remote sensing imagery. This method focuses on a part-based detection technique under a weakly supervised setting, aiming to enhance object detection performance while reducing the necessity for exhaustive labeling, which is a common hurdle in the remote sensing domain.

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The primary objectives of this project include:


The methodology employs a weakly supervised setting to train the model, leveraging part-based detection techniques. This approach seeks to reduce the requirement for heavily annotated data, which is a common bottleneck in training models for remote sensing object detection.


The results demonstrate a significant improvement in object detection performance, showcasing the potential of part-based methods under weak supervision. The approach notably alleviates the challenges posed by exhaustive labeling, paving the way for more efficient and effective object detection within remote sensing imagery.

Future Work

The success of this project beckons further exploration into weakly supervised and part-based methods for object detection, potentially extending the methodology to other domains and further refining the approach to achieve even higher levels of performance.